The study shows that individuals with genetics that predispose to anorexia are similar to individuals with genetics that predispose to “constitutional thinness”.
A tightly-controlled study shows that low-carb diets are beneficial not only because they help you lose weight, but because carbs themselves are harmful.
The new analysis compares women who received an abortion to those who were denied one and finds that the former do as well, or better, on all physical metrics.
A new study shows that closing of the Medicare “Donut Hole” had no effect on patient out-of-pocket costs for cancer drugs. They are simply too expensive.
A new study suggests that the problem with ultra-processed foods isn’t that they contain horrible fattening chemicals. It’s that we eat too much of them.
A new study shows that ordering of mammograms and colon cancer screening tests occurs less frequently later in the day. Are docs too tired for this convo?